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This study aims to find alternative solutions to problems in an effort to improve teacher discipline in teaching attendance in class through the application of Reward and Punishment. This school action research was conducted on the 255 Ulubalang Elementary School, Salomekko District, Bone Regency, Research in the 2020/2021 school year. The research design used was a school action research design with a flow, namely making a cycle, namely from the action plan, carrying out the action, observing and reflecting on the implementation of the action for two cycles. The results of these reflections are used as a guide for making decisions to continue or stop the research. The research was carried out in a spiral in cycles until the second cycle.

The results showed that the teacher's performance improved after taking action in the form of implementing Reward and Punishment for two cycles. This increase includes improvements in compiling school programs, implementing, making administration, conducting evaluations to class discipline, implementing learning, assessing learning achievement, and carrying out follow-up assessments of student learning achievement. Improving the quality of learning in schools depends on several factors. A very important factor, among others, is the application of school culture towards quality improvement. School culture is a positive thing that must be maintained and implemented by all school members without feeling forced. One of the school culture that must be maintained is the problem of discipline, including the discipline of teachers in class attendance in the teaching and learning process. To increase the discipline of teachers, it can be pursued in various ways.

In this School Action Research (PTS), action was tried in the form of the application of Reward and Punishment for teachers at SD Negeri 255 Ulubalang, Salomekko District, Bone Regency. The results showed that in the second cycle, the discipline of teachers in class attendance in the teaching and learning process increased and met the predetermined indicators of 75%. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that to improve teacher discipline in class attendance in teaching and learning activities can be done by applying rewards and punishments to the teacher.


Kata Kunci

Application of Reward and Punishment

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